
Intelligent Automation + Expert Underwriting Resources

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New Year, New Solution – MortgageKit™

In 2024, lenders and borrowers have one question: when will interest rates drop and by how much? While all indicators point to a rate decline, borrowers may still be waiting for
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Scaling Up when Rates Go Down

As mortgage rates are edging down across the board in response to economic data showing some positive signs, lenders need to prepare a game plan to respond.  The timing of
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Optimizing Loan Quality

Many lenders’ knee-jerk reaction to market conditions is to cut staff and scramble for every new origination, but they may be missing the immediate bottom-line impact of looking “within” to
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A Balanced Solution

As an industry leader offering back-office mortgage solutions, Gooi fully understands the challenges and pain points lenders face, especially when it comes to delivering impeccable quality with the right number
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Outsourcing To Stay Profitable

It’s not news that margins are down and costs are way, way up. According to the Richey-May Select Q1 2022 Snapshot, the cost to originate increased 33 basis points (10%),
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The Cost of NOT Training

A former employer once met opposition for suggesting an employee training program. It was too costly, it would take employees away from their work and what if the employees were
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Converting from a Mortgage Broker/Mini-Correspondent to Delegated Correspondent?

If you are planning to transition from a mortgage broker or mini correspondent to a delegatedcorrespondent, there are many things to consider. After determining that you have met the net
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