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Optimizing Loan Quality

Many lenders’ knee-jerk reaction to market conditions is to cut staff and scramble for every new origination, but they may be missing the immediate bottom-line impact of looking “within” to mine the gold that comes with Quality Control’s (QC) business intelligence.

QC is not just about avoiding repurchases and meeting compliance requirements. It’s about informing the loan manufacturing operations of its non-conformance and driving corrective action costs down. An effective QC program tells you exactly where to look for such efficiencies without cutting staff or implementing one more piece of miracle software.

In case you missed the recent webinar presented by Gooi’s partners, MQMR and Essent, review it here to learn how you can optimize loan quality to drive your cost per loan down and quality up. There is also a special section to help you prepare to comply with Fannie Mae’s IMPORTANT and upcoming changes regarding pre-funding and post-closing QC requirements.